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主な展覧会に、個展「2010-2022」KAYOKOYUKI(東京、2023)、「Borrowed landscape」Blum & Poe(東京、2023)、「NEW ORDER」ECHO(ケルン、2023)、個展 Ramiken(ニューヨーク、2022)、「DOMANI・明日展」国立新美術館(東京、2021)、「髙木大地、ルシア・ビダレス、山下紘加」タカイシイギャラリー(東京、2020)、個展「Intuition」TIME & STYLE アムステルダム(オランダ、2019)、「現代美術実験展示 "パースペクティヴ(1)"」インターメディアテク(東京、2017)、個展「Periphery」Foundation B.a.d(オランダ、2016)、「版画工房の仕事 "Footprints"」カスヤの森現代美術館(神奈川、2016)、「クール・インヴィテーションズ 2」XYZ Collective(東京、2015)、「絵画の在りか」東京オペラシティ・アートギャラリー(東京、2014)など。
Window 2019, oil on canvas, 33.3 × 24.2 cm
Wanderer 2019, oil on canvas, 40 × 28 cm
Wanderer 2019, oil on canvas, 160 × 120 cm
Thicket 2019, oil on canvas, 65 × 60 cm
The moon and trees 2019, oil on canvas, 22 × 30 cm
Light house 2019, oil on canvas, 28 × 20 cm
Crow 2019, oil on canvas, 30 × 22 cm
Bush 2019, oil on board, 27.3 × 22 cm
Window 2018, oil on canvas, 28 × 20 cm
Aspect 2018, oil on canvas, 194 × 130.3 cm
Floating Body 2018, oil on canvas, 194 × 130.3 cm
Translucent Fablic 2018, oil on canvas, 162 × 130 cm
Dusky Field 2018, oil on canvas, 145.5 × 145.5 cm
Composition with Red and Blue 2018, oil on canvas, 60.3 × 60.3 cm
Four Rounded Rectangles 2018, oil on canvas, 60.6 × 45.5 cm
Configuration 2018, oil on canvas, 53 × 21 cm
Red, Blue - 15 2018, oil on canvas, 27.3 × 19 cm
Red, Blue - 16 2018, oil on canvas, 27.3 × 19 cm
Red, Blue - 19 2018, oil on canvas, 27.3 × 19 cm
Red, Blue - 20 2018, oil on canvas, 27.3 × 19 cm
How to Cut a Mango 2017, oil on canvas, 50 × 20 cm
Still Life 2017, oil on canvas, 45 × 35 cm
Composition (De Hooch) 2017, oil on canvas, 213 × 45.5 cm
Composition with Blue and Red- 2 2017, oil on canvas, 121.5 × 41 cm
Composition (Dorpsweg)- 1 2016, oil on canvas, 30 × 30 cm
distortion 2016, oil and acrylic on canvas, 65.2 × 53 cm
dim 2016, oil on canvas, 80.3 × 53 cm
orbital 2016, oil and acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm
fuzzy 2015, oil on canvas, 58 × 60 cm
fuzzy 2015, oil on canvas, 62 × 46 cm
oblique 2016, oil and acrylic on canvas, 45.5 × 38 cm
harmony in monochrome 2015, oil on canvas, 194 × 130.3 cm
harmony in monochrome 2014, oil on canvas, 65.2 × 53 cm
harmony 2014, oil on canvas, 162 × 130.3 cm
hem 2015, oil on canvas, 39.2 × 33.5 cm
jaggy 2015, oil on canvas, 41 × 41 cm
six circles and several rectangles - 2 2015, oil and acrylic on canvas, 33.3 × 24.2 cm
six circles and several rectangles - 1
2015, oil and acrylic on canvas, 33.3 × 24.2 cm
figure and ground 2014, oil on canvas, 91 × 72.2 cm
4 2013, oil on canvas, 162 × 162 cm
untitled 2013, oil on canvas, 27.3 × 22 cm
window 2013, oil on canvas, 65.1 × 53 cm
landscape 2012, oil on canvas, 65.1 × 50 cm
silhouette 2013, oil on canvas, 200 × 23 cm
still life 2013, oil on canvas, 53 × 41 cm
still life 2012, oil on canvas, 53 × 45.5 cm
still life 2011, oil on canvas, 60.6 x 45.5 cm