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主な展覧会に、「ところざわアートのミライ」西武鉄道 所沢駅(埼玉、2023)、個展「みどりは草の色カマキリの色」CADAN 有楽町 by KAYOKOYUKI(東京、2022)、個展「ショーケースギャラリー 大野綾子展」横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野(神奈川、2020)、「タイムライン —時間に触れるためのいくつかの方法」京都大学総合博物館(京都、2019)、「所沢ビエンナーレ[引込線]2017」旧所沢市立第2学校給食センター(埼玉、2017)、「Reborn-Art Festival 2017 -Do sculptors Dream of electric car (TOYOTA prius) XYZ collectiveキュレーション」GALVANIZE gallery(宮城、2017)、「leave」秋山画廊(東京、2017)など。「第7回大黒屋現代アート公募展」大賞受賞(2012)、個展「さかなとして浸かる」板室温泉大黒屋 (栃木、2013)を開催。小豆島 千軒海岸(香川)、相模原公園(神奈川)、翠ヶ丘公園・須賀川(福島)などに作品設置。
さかなのような人(マーメイド) / Person like fish (mermaid) 2023, tuff, stainless steel, wood, h74 x w88 x d25 cm (table: w130 table legs: 43 x 40 x 50 cm), Photo by Hayato Wakabayashi
さかなのような人(マーメイド) / Person like fish (mermaid) 2023, tuff, stainless steel, wood, h74 x w88 x d25 cm (table: w130 table legs: 43 x 40 x 50 cm), Photo by Hayato Wakabayashi
(From left) みどりは草の色カマキリの色 b / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis b 2022, tuff, sand stone, stainless-steel, w195 x d140 x h200 cm; みどりは草の色カマキリの色 c / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis c, 2022, tuff, w 30.5 x d 36.5 x h 94 cm; みどりは草の色カマキリの色 a / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis a, 2022, tuff, stainless-steel, w195 x d66 x h157.5 cm
Exhibition view, Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis, 2022, CADAN YURAKCHO, Tokyo / Japan, Photo by Kei Okano
Exhibition view, Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis, 2022, CADAN YURAKCHO, Tokyo / Japan, Photo by Kei Okano
みどりは草の色カマキリの色 a / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis a, 2022, tuff, stainless-steel, w195 x d66 x h157.5 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
みどりは草の色カマキリの色 a / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis a, 2022, tuff, stainless-steel, w195 x d66 x h157.5 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
みどりは草の色カマキリの色 b / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis b 2022, tuff, sand stone, stainless-steel, w195 x d140 x h200 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
みどりは草の色カマキリの色 b / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis b 2022, tuff, sand stone, stainless-steel, w195 x d140 x h200 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
みどりは草の色カマキリの色 c / Green is the Color of Grass, the Color of Mantis c, 2022, tuff, w30.5 x d36.5 x h94 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
植物と花(木の周辺) / plants or flowers [around the tree] 2022, tuff, w18 x d5 x h50.5 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
水中のとき陸と私たち / When she was in the water, here with us 2019, iron, wood, paper, poster color, acrylic, etc., 180 x 230 x 35 cm
Exhibition view, タイムライン —時間に触れるためのいくつかの方法 / TIMELINE -Multiple measures to touch time, 2019, The Kyoto University Museum, Kyoto / Japan, Photo by Yuki Moriya
水中のとき陸と私たち / When she was in the water, here with us 2019, iron, wood, paper, poster color, acrylic, etc., h180 x w230 x d35vcm, Photo by Yuki Moriya
さかなのような人 / Person like fish, 2018, marble, wood, aluminum, etc., h327 x w508 x d290 cm
Exhibition view,さかなのような人 / Person like fish, 2018, KAYOKOYUKI, Tokyo / Japan, Photo by Kei Okano
Exhibition view,さかなのような人 / Person like fish, 2018, KAYOKOYUKI, Tokyo / Japan, Photo by Kei Okano
海をさがす / I’m looking for the sea, 2017, limestone, h33 x w37 x d3.2 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
運動 / training 2018, granite, travertine, h16.5 x w42.5 x d5.4 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
植物と花 [風] / plants or flowers [wind] 2018, sandstone, h8.5 x w20 x d22 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
Drawing 2018, collage on paper, 15 x 10 cm, Photo by Kei Okano
Drawing 2018, collage on paper, 15 x 10cm, Photo by Kei Okano
さかなとして暮らす / live as fish 2017, granite, wood, pigments, metal pipe, h222 x w75 x d220cm, Photo by Kei Okano
ねがう人、立てる人 / A person who wishing and creating 2017, sandstone, h43.5 x w234 x d20 cm, Photo by Hayato Wakabayashi
ねがう人、立てる人 / A person who wishing and creating 2017, sandstone, granite, travertine, wood, iron, etc., variable size, Photo by Hayato Wakabayashi
ねがう人、立てる人 / A person who wishing and creating 2017, sandstone, granite, travertine, wood, iron, etc., variable size, Photo by Hayato Wakabayashi
ねがう人、立てる人 / A person who wishing and creating 2017, sandstone, granite, travertine, wood, iron, etc., variable size
Exhibition view, 所沢ビエンナーレ[引込線]2017 / Tokorozawa Biennial of Contemporary Art –railroad siding 2017, 2017, 旧所沢市立第2学校給食センター, Saitama / Japan, Photo by Hayato Wakabayashi
To right, from left. 2016, 大理石, 砂岩, 川石, 木, 金属パイプ, W360 x H280 x D190 cm
植物と花[熱帯] 2015, 大理石, 72 × 1 × 68 cm
植物と花[地面] 2015, 大理石, 94 × 1 × 58 cm
Rolling own 2015, 大理石, 32 × 19 × 3 cm
salad 2014, 砂岩, w15 x d2.8 x h34 cm
Eyebrow 2014, 砂岩, h16 x w25.5 x d4 cm
横からの水 2015, 砂岩、川石, 90 × 65 × 60 cm
The best of a meal 2014, トラバーチン, w81 x d30 x h65 cm
唇はむらさきで決まり 2014, 大理石, w7.5 x d26 x h88 cm
コンクリートジャングル 2014, 御影石, 木, w30 x d30 x h130 cm
進化した栗の木 2013, 砂岩, W16.5 × h76 × d6 cm
ほたるでひかり 2013, 大理石, W70 × h6.5 × d14 cm
横泳ぎの女 2013, 砂岩, w250 × h44.5 × d6.5 cm
コーディネイト[ぴたっとした] 2013, 砂岩, w23 × h14 × d87 cm
コーディネイト[あたたかい] 2013, 御影石, w61 × h70 × d20 cm
おどろう、きのう、たき 2013, 大理石, W212 × h26 × d23 cm
植物と花 [花2] 2012, 御影石, w18 × h7 × d16 cm
植物と花 [花1] 2012, 御影石, w12 × h19 × d15.5 cm
植物と花 [草] 2012, 砂岩, w123 × h18 × d12 cm
Bijou 2012, 大理石, 油土, h15 x w14.8 x d8.6 cm