Emi Otaguro weaves peculiar narratives out of mass-produced goods common in everyday life, such as chewing gums, tablecloths, and galvanized sheets. Though seemingly inhuman and anonymous today, they were originally invented by hand as "devices" to meet certain needs in particular human situations. Utilizing their potentially diverse functions or extracting their essential characteristics with additional drawings or other manipulations, Otaguro converts them into artworks. On the other hand, she also uses organic materials, such as quail egg shell for her collages. "Printed" with the mother bird's internal pigments just before the egg is laid, and considered as a signature feature like human fingerprints because one quail can create only a certain composition, each speckled pattern functions as a camouflage to protect the egg from enemies. Interpreting it as "a landscape painting painted by each quail to reflect their external environment," she smashes quail egg shells into fragments and composes them to create new beings.
"The essential value of those supposedly inorganic objects stays the same over time. The way they exist in fact holds an encompassing nature just like those quail egg patterns," says the artist. This statement proves how the artist carefully chooses her materials that can function as imaginative vehicles to somehow connect formless and boundless complications we embrace inside us to the outside world.
In this exhibition, which marks her first solo show, the artist presents three different approaches at once - new works made with galvanized sheets, an ongoing series with chewing gums that she has worked since 2008, and collages with quail egg shell fragments. Those works open up a variety of narratives that have possibilities to gently touch upon the underlying bases of our existence.

running coat
30x20cm, gum, cardboard, 2013

シャンプーと女 / shampoo with woman,
20.3x25cm, collage, quail egg, oil paper, 2012

dive, 20.3x27cm, collage, quail egg, oil paper, 2012

歌 / music, about 26x70cm, cardboard, 2012

水をくれる者 / gift, about 70x60cm, cardboard, 2012

猿を洗う / Washing Monkey, quail egg, wax paper, paper napkin, mat, 34x34cm, 2012

tupper, 54x39cm, conte, calcium sulfate on black flock paper, 2011

tupper, 54x39cm, conte, calcium sulfate on black flock paper, 2011

tupper, 54x39cm, conte, calcium sulfate on black flock paper , 2011

doll, 180x290cm, acrylic on PVC tarpaulin, 2011

ある日の混乱 -ひげを剃る、口紅を塗る-
anarchy for one day, 14.5x18.5cm,
collage, quail egg, oil paper, 2011

影泥棒 / a shadow snatcher,
28x10cm, gum, cardboard, 2011

sunbathing, about 10x17cm, gum, 2010

日光浴 / sun bath, 10x20cm, gum,cardboard, 2010

日光浴 / sun bath,
10x20cm, gum,cardboard, 2010

日光浴 / sun bath,
10x20cm, gum,cardboard, 2010

日光浴 / sun bath, 10x20cm, gum,cardboard, 2010

モモタロウ / peach boy, 110×145cm,
conte, calcium sulfate on black flock paper, 2010

モモタロウ / peach boy, 49×54cm, comte on paper, 2010

モモタロウ / peach boy, 49×54cm, comte on paper, 2010

きじ / pheasant, 40x30cm, cardboard, 2006

kappa, 10x20cm, cardboard, 2008

Sleipner, 25x20cm, cardboard, 2006

おとこおんな / boygirl,
20x30cm, cardboard, watercolor, 2006

りゅう / ryu, 25x30cm, cardboard, 2006

untitled, 10x25cm, cardboard, 2005

untitled, cardboard, 10x20cm, 2005

installation view, 2006

piano lesson, watercolor on paper, 2005

ニワトリドリ / Chicken Man,
180x180cm, acrylic on PVC tarpaulin, 2005

ニワトリドリ / Chicken Man, 180x180cm, acrylic on PVC tarpaulin, 2005

untitled, 180x90cm, acrylic on paper, 2005

ジン / JIN, sea sand, reddish soil, 360x540cm, 2005

ジン / JIN, sea sand, reddish soil, 360x540cm, 2005

ジン / JIN, sea sand, reddish soil, 360x540cm, 2005
Emi Otaguro
Born in Fukuoka
Tokyo Zokei University Department of art Painting Major
M.A Tokyo National University of Art and Music faculty of fine arts department of oil painting
Selected solo exhibitions
"Water pillow of will-o'-the-wisp"(Aoyama | Meguro / Tokyo)
"project N 55"(Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery / Tokyo)
Selected group exhibitions
"Outrange"(free art space PURAHA / Hokkaido)
"green wind"(Ohkurayama gallery KALEN / Tokyo)
"Matsu ni koromo Ume kaori Hitoha tchirinuru Shiro no nishi"(Bunpodo gallery)
"KOSHIKI ART PROJECT"(Koshikijima / Kagoshima)
"WORM HOLE episode3"(magical, ARTROOM / Tokyo)
"Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2008"(Gyoko-dori Underground Gallery / Tokyo)
"Mr FREEDOM X"(A plus / Tokyo)
"NEW WORLD"(island / Chiba)
"COUNTACH CARAVAN"(Gallery Ten / Ishikawa)
"YON-SHIKI"(youkobo artspace / Tokyo)
"SLASH/03 -Naively manners-"(island MEDIUM / Tokyo)
"let in light curated by Kayoko Yuki"(Shinjuku Gankagarou / Tokyo)
"Hotel Appalachia"(TALION GALLERY / Tokyo)
"TRICK-DIMENSION"Curated by Daisuke Ohba(tolot:heuristic SHINONOME / Tokyo)
Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2008 grand prize